RPCS3 PS3 emulator for iOS (Download IPA) Play Station 3

RPCS3 emulator for iOS

RPCS3 PS3 emulator for iOS (Download IPA) Play Station 3


RPCS3 is an experimental PS3 Emulator and debugger project written in C# for iOS.

The first and the only legit emulator which allows you to play Play Station 3 games on iPhone and iPad devices.

It was founded by programmers DH and Hykem.

Initially hosted on Google Code, the project was eventually migrated to GitHub later on in its development.

RPCS3 PS3 emulator for iOS (Download IPA) Play Station 3


For the first time ever, RPCS3 now capable of booting into VSH, also known as the VirtualShell.

This handles the XrossMediaBar that most Play Station 3 players are familar with.

The XMB is used to launch games, browse media, manage settings and much more.

PS3 controllers have plug and play support on RPCS3 emulator.

There will be frequent updates which you can grab from the download section.

RPCS3 emulator for iOS


RPCS3 (PS3 Emulator) is not made for illegal activities and we have a strict policy about piracy.

Due to legal reasons, we cannot distribute official Play Station 3 firmware files.

You must download the latest Play Station 3 firmware update file from official site for use with RPCS3.

Once downloaded, you must install the firmware using RPCS3’s built in firmware installer found under Advanced > Install Firmware.


RPCS3 is a very complex piece of software and as such, has many different components that require a special attention to detail and organization.

  • Device: iPhone 8+
  • RAM: N.D.
  • OS: iOS 10 (or higher)
  • Storage: 64 MB minimum
RPCS3 emulator for iOS


RPCS3 features an auto-updater which will prompt you if you want to update after loading the emulator.

RPCS3 can only be installed on devices that satisfy the above requirements.

Attempting to install on an unsupported device will fail and display an error message.



This software is also available on the following devices:


  1. Download AltServer on your computer:
  2. Install AltStore to your iPhone (or iPad)
  3. Launch AltStore to begin downloading apps
  4. Leave AltServer running, and AltStore will do the rest