Spine emulator for Android

Spine emulator for Android is the first PS4 emulator to be able to launch commercial games, developed by devofspine.
A beta version has been available for some time but later, more builds got released and those ran many commercial titles in-game, now also for mobile devices.

Spinedev has chosen to keep the emulator closed source for now, to avoid seeing a spread of forks which could dilute the effort in such an early stage.
The emulator still has many bugs, but having only been in development for a little over two years, the list of titles that make it in-game is a lot bigger than you may expect.
The vast majority of the 1,000 games that were tested don’t work; about 35% of the games tested only get to the intro screen, and about 65% of them will properly get you in-game.

This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Sony Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries.
Play Station game software sold separately.
All individual game screen shots or audio that are simulated by this software are property of their respective copyright holders and are only used in this app listing for the purpose of informing the customer of the software’s functionality.
This app is currently in Alpha, so more support is being added in each update.
- CPU: octa-core 2.0 GHz
- RAM: 6 GB minimim (8 GB recommended)
- OS: Android 9 (or above)
- Storage: 64 MB+
Spine is a promising PS4 emulator despite its work-in-progress status.
If you want to download Spine, you can check out the download link below.

The developer has also said that they will likely release updates more frequently from now on, so we can hopefully expect to see more news about Spine in the near future.
- Spine emulator for Android: spine-latest.apk
This software is also available on the following devices:
- Open this link on your browser and download BIOS file: https://www.xevod.com/download-category/bios/
- Move the BIOS file (part 1 and part 2) on the following directory in your device: /android/data/com.cobesoft.build22/bios/ (if this folder doesn’t exist please create it)
- Open this link on your browser and download Data file: https://www.xevod.com/download-category/data/
- Move the Data .obb file (part 1 and part 2) on the following directory in your device: /android/data/com.cobesoft.build22/data/
- Launch the app