Vita3K emulator for iOS

Vita3K is the world’s first functional experimental open-source Play Station Vita emulator for iOS.
The emulator currently runs some homebrew programs.
It is also able to load some decrypted commercial games.
Vita3K is licensed under the GPLv2 license. This is largely dictated by external dependencies, most notably Unicorn.

Over the last 2 years, the graphics backend of the emulator has gradually improved.
While unfortunately it’s not yet perfect, it’s good enough for the majority of the Vita’s library.
The project is at an early stage, so please be sensitive to that when opening new issues.
Expect crashes, glitches, low compatibility and poor performance.
Currently, Vita3K supports maidumps, .pkg, NoNpDrm, FAGDec, or manually decrypted games (Vitamin dumps are not supported).
The games should be in a .zip or .vpk format if you want to install them from the emulator, or if you prefer to copy them yourself, you can drag and drop the game folder in your pref_path/ux0/app
folder (not applicable for NoNpDrm dumps/.pkg files).

Please note that the purpose of the emulator is not to enable illegal activity.
Play Station and PS Vita are trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
The emulator is not related to or endorsed by Sony, or derived from confidential materials belonging to Sony.
Vita3K doesn’t require any PS Vita system files on the device.
- Device: iPhone 8+ (or equivalent iPad)
- RAM: N.D.
- OS: iOS 10 (or higher)
- Storage: 32 MB minimum

- Added an option to exclude GUI from build for better portability
- Added features that are related to streamline debugging process
- GXM implementation, shader decoding/recompilation, backend-specific things
- Implemented forceload mode & forcesave mode for color/stencil/depth surface
- Added new graphics features in the advanced settings menu
- Improved multi-core CPU management system
- Vita3K emulator for iOS: vita3k-latest.ipa
This software is also available on the following devices:
- Download AltServer on your computer:
- Install AltStore to your iPhone (or iPad)
- Launch AltStore to begin downloading apps
- Leave AltServer running, and AltStore will do the rest