GBA emulator for iOS (Download IPA) GameBoy Advance

GBA emulator for iOS

GBA emulator for iOS


GBA4iOS is an amazing GBA emulator for iOS created by developer Riley Testut.

Built and designed from the ground up for iOS 7, GBA4iOS takes advantage of many tools provided in the iOS SDK to take emulation to the next level.

Simplicity and speed are big factors, but it is also powerful, being able to emulate not just GBA, but GBC and GB games.

The last version also includes numerous, highly-requested features such as Cheats, iPad optimization, AirPlay, Dropbox sync and more.

GBA emulator for iOS


Enjoy some of your favorite GBA and GBC games right on your iPhone or iPad featuring a groundbreaking emulator by the talented Riley Testut that sports a ton of features such as:

  • Multiplayer Support
  • Controller Skins
  • URL Scheme
  • GBC and GB Support
  • Dropbox Support
  • Cheat Codes and Save States

Although its development has ended it, has found ways to stay up to date through the help of its open source code and helpful developers wanting to keep it alive.

This updated version brings some much needed iPhone X-display support.

GBA emulator for iOS


  • Game Boy Advance is a trademark of Nintendo Co., Ltd
  • IOS is a trademark of Apple Inc.


The emulator is capable of running most commercial games at full speed, provided you meet the necessary hardware requirements.

  • Device: iPhone 6+ (or equivalent iPad)
  • RAM: N.D.
  • OS: iOS 7 (or higher)
  • Storage: 32 MB minimum

Our recommended specifications don’t guarantee perfect performance in most games, but rather strive to provide a cost effective recommendation while still considering performance.

GBA emulator for iOS


  • Updated the core to the latest version
  • Fixed some problems with gamepad configuration
  • Added new app icon
  • Fixed virtual-pad buttons layout
  • Added new features in advanced settings menu
  • Added local netplay support (now also for iOS 8.0+)



This software is also available on the following devices:


  1. Download AltServer on your computer:
  2. Install AltStore to your iPhone (or iPad)
  3. Launch AltStore to begin downloading apps
  4. Leave AltServer running, and AltStore will do the rest